Sleep - creating good habits.
Practicing good sleep hygiene can help you improve your sleep quality. Here’s some holistic tips to improve your sleep:
· Aim to be in bed before 10pm. Between 10pm and midnight you are likely to experience deep REM sleep which is crucial for your body to recover and recharge sufficiently.
· Limit screen and electronic time for 1-2 hours before sleep. Fluorescent lights and screen lights disrupt your body’s release of melatonin – the sleep hormone.
· Relax before bed – take a bath with essential oils, read a book, listen to music, do some stretching/yoga/meditation. Try to go to bed once you are tired.
· Reduce caffeine and other stimulants including sugar, cocoa/chocolate, alcohol and caffeinated teas, particularly after lunch time.
· Ensure you are consuming adequate quality protein and healthy fats which will help you produce sleep hormones. Foods rich in tryptophan (a precursor to melatonin) include full fat natural yoghurt or cheese, mackerel/sardines/salmon, turkey and organic eggs.
· Try to limit food and fluid intake 2-3 hours before sleep as digesting may prevent you from falling asleep.
· Herbal medicine can be helpful in promoting sleep length and quality. My SEND ME TO SLEEP Herbal Formula along with herbal teas before bed will relax your body and mind.
· Stress is a common contributor to poor sleep quality. Writing your problems down on paper is a proven beneficial technique to stop you waking up with a racing mind. Ask our practitioner team for support for your stress.
· Avoid napping during the day and aim to have a regular sleep pattern at night to set your internal sleep clock. Try to go to bed only once you are tired. The more you can regulate your sleep to match natural daylight cycles, the better.
· Ensure your bedroom is calming, dark, quiet and cool to encourage sleep. Avoid taking work into your sleeping space, instead creating an environment where you feel comfortable and relaxed, ready for sleep.
· Exercise is great to promote optimal sleep, particularly an afternoon walk in nature which has been shown to improve sleep quality. However, it is best to avoid strenuous exercise close to bed time as it can be stimulating and may make it harder for you to fall asleep.
· Seven to nine hours of sleep is optimal for 97% of people, and you should wake feeling refreshed. If you are having trouble maintaining good quality sleep and waking up exhausted, book in for an appointment with me to find out what else could be contributing to your sleep and energy issues.